Friday, May 21, 2010

Pictures of stuff

This is just a post of pictures of stuff I've bought. Sometimes you don't think about the fact that food/the things in stores here are completely different from the things you find if you walk into a store at home. The items I've bought aren't too different, but it is a bit of an adventure to figure out what exactly you're buying when you can't read most of the package. For example, my delicious cereal is Post Cranberry Almond Granola (and there is a picture so it's pretty easy to figure out) but it's 30% something, 5% something else and another 5% something else. I hope it's all good for me.

Or, I bought noodles, and it has a picture of noodles on the front of the package and actually says "Noodles" but the instructions on how to prepare it are all in Korean. (That's fairly easy to figure out, though.) But it's just an interesting experience. It's how I ended up with "Job's Tears" tea. Pictures. And it's not really my favorite tea. In fact, I don't like it much at all. Oh, well. That's part of the grocery store adventure.

Cereal,noodles, tea, bread, manderin oranges, dove (I brought that from home. It was a gift and rather nice to have, actually).

Peach juice and water.

Face wash as mentioned in the previous blog. (I think.)

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