Tuesday, May 18, 2010

...and all that Jazz

Annyeong, from South Korea!

I'm here, I'm finally really here. My mind is racing all over the place, so pardon if this blog follows suit. I'm torn between bouts of homesickness to wondering what made me come here to being thrilled (yet nervous) that I'm actually here. And I'm going to teach. How wonderful is that?

Seoul reminds me of so many places and yet it's like nowhere I've ever been. I think I'm so overwhelmed that I'm making comparisons so that I can take it all in. Driving from the Incheon airport to Seoul was about an hour drive. The highway reminds me of California, the hills of Syria, even though the hills just pop up randomly. Not like hit the badger or whatever. But it's flat and suddenly there's ONE hill and then it's flat again.

My flight went from Houston, TX to San Fransisco, California to Tokyo, Japan to Seoul, South Korea. It was about 17 hours in the air, not including my 4 and 2 hour layovers.

Jet lag has hit pretty hard. I was exhausted and made it to bed around 12:30 am here. And bounced right back up at 4:30 am. I'm going to have to go back to sleep because I am ravenous but can't eat or drink anything before my health check later this morning. Then the rest of the day is mine-- I think I will unpack and poke around my neighborhood for a bit. Tomorrow is my first day of training.

...So this is my blog. I'll try to update to let you know what's going on as I embark on this crazy adventure of teaching English in another country. I don't want to be dry and boring, but I also want to give you details. Hm. I'll work on that.

I'm quite proud of "Hey, Seoul Sister" and will probably forget why I thought it was so clever once the song isn't quite as popular. I just remember dancing to it, wild and crazy, with my friends before I left. So, there you have it: Susan's Big Adventure.



  1. your blog name definitely made me happy, so i think its a keeper!

    I'm so sad that i missed your going away, whenever you get back to the big, bad HOU, we will have to hang out.

    Take lots of pictures, and have big adventures, and go see leah, for defsies.

    Hugs and love,


  2. By the way, Carrie and I came home exhausted and watched the last two discs of S1 of Arrested Development this weekend. And realized that we could have at least told you 'annyong' if we'd remembered. Because there is a character NAMED Annyong and it's a whole running joke.

    But anyway. Seems like you picked that up already.

  3. Char, I'm sad that I missed you too!! Thanks for the music. Haven't had a chance to listen to it yet, but you have pretty (damn) good taste in music.

    Sevs, actually, J.C. told me annyong, Carolyn drilled it into my brain by saying it sounded like "Onion," and Vy told me about the kid on AD. And it all came together when I watched an ep of AD on the plane. Funny stuff.
