Thursday, May 27, 2010

Lesson Planning (*Gulp)

Only in Korea would you have spicy spaghetti sauce. For a spice-weenie, I'm amazed that I picked Korea; what was I thinking? But I like spice. Who cares if it burns? That's part of the eating adventure; can you handle the heat?

Last night I tried my hand at making a meal. Think about it. Cooking-wary Susan tries cooking in a foreign country where familiar groceries aren't always readily available. I'm going to try to make this sound world-class and international and tell you that it was fusion food. And, in a way, it was. I made spaghetti with Korean noodles and spicy Korean spaghetti sauce. I ate it with white (actually called "cream and white" sliced bread with grapeseed oil mixed with HEB spices brought from home. To wash it all down, I concocted a mix of soju and mango juice.

I had a great time making it. I love to eat; I should learn to cook. I really want to learn how to cook. Wouldn't it be fantastic to learn to cook Korean food? Answer: yes. And after getting the initial surprise that the plainest tomato sauce in the store was still spicy, the whole meal was pretty good.

Yesterday was lesson planning. Which is a lot harder and takes a lot longer than you would think. As of right now (they've changed the schedule around 3 times so far), I have 6 classes on MWF and 6 classes on TTH. One class meets every day and I teach the same level on two different days. I think this cuts down on lesson planning. But we'll see. Today and tomorrow are dedicated to lesson planning. We aren't allowed to bring books or materials home; otherwise I'd be doing this non-stop.

I know that this is going to be a lot of work (one day, I have 5 classes in a row, a 40 minute break, and then another class), but I'm still really excited about everything (clearly I'm insane).

Also, yesterday, we went to apply for our Alien Registration Cards. Jennifer had no problem getting hers, but the lady had to call and was on the phone for what seemed forever, talking about my medical exam. I had no idea what she was saying, which makes it all worse. WHAT is wrong with me? They said I passed and they processed my application, but clearly something is not quite right. I'm not sure I want to know what.

And now, I've got to jet! Off to work for a fun-filled day of lesson planning.

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