Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Hello, Jet Lag (Bed: 12:30 AM, Up: 4:30 AM)

Since I couldn't go back to sleep, I decided to unpack a little and then take pictures! So here you go. My "apartment" is really more like a bedroom. There is one main room that has the bed, a table, a mini fridge, something to hang your clothes on, and a tiny kitchen area. There is a bathroom and a closed off patio area where the washing machine is. Oh, yeah, I have a tv and tv stand as well.

Surprisingly, for 2 suitcases at 50lbs each, I don't have a lot of stuff. It's actually nice, minus the fact that I don't think I'm prepared for the rain. And it's raining. Also, somehow I didn't pack a lightweight jacket; did I mention it was cold and rainy? It's no problem, though, the girl next door told me that I could get clothes-- tops, at least-- for about what it costs at home.

Also! Kinda nifty: the light in my very very tiny entrance way are sensored. So if I walk over there, they turn on. How cool/weird is that??

Here's a walk-through of my place. Haha, you walk in, and you've pretty much seen it all:

My Door.

My Wardrobe.

My Bathroom. If you can see in the picture, the shower hose is right above the sink. Yes. Everything gets wet when you take a shower. The floors are tile and have a drain. In case you were wondering, for when you come visit, I have a western style toilet (like ours).

My Kitchen Area. A sink, two burners, shelves, a few essential cups and silverware. No stove.

My table. I've set up my pictures on my table. I think it will be used as a desk/eating area.

...There you have it.


  1. its all so cute!

    honestly, i really like small spaces like that, it would make me ridiculously happy to live there. You should get some small spaces design magazines and have a field day making everything super gorgeous!

  2. Ha! You should give me some ideas, because you're super rad at that. I honestly can't figure out how to set up seperate living spaces due to layout and working with the furniture I have. So if you're interested.... Or have any ideas.... Let me know. Please!
