Friday, August 13, 2010

Adventures in Teaching

Today was Thursday and I have a class that I'm starting to dread. It wasn't too bad the first week of school, but as the "trouble makers" have started to filter in, it's gotten worse. They are constantly speaking in Korean, touching each other (poking, hitting, etc), talking, making noises with the table. I've tried different approaches with this class but haven't had much luck. I know that I have to constantly keep them busy because any down time equals behavior getting out of hand.

Today was awesome. We reviewed body parts and how many of each body part we have. Then I gave descriptions of a "person" with three eyes, two ears, etc and had two students draw their interpretation on the board. Then I gave everyone a sheet of colored paper, had them draw their own character/robot/monster/alien and write about it. It was fantastic. Everyone really got into it and wrote and drew fantastic pictures. I think the class had a good time and I had a good time seeing what everyone came up with.


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