Thursday, January 20, 2011

Updates from the classroom

Having a class put together their very own newspaper is a lot more work than I anticipated. So far, there are two articles on musicals, one interview with a nurse on heart problems, an article on inflation in Korea, one article that was clearly not written by the student, and one student who has lots of pictures but no story yet. And we have one week to go to print! I'm kidding. But we do have one and a half weeks left of the session and not everyone is on the same page, so to speak.

In other news, one of my upper-level classes wants me to cut my hair in a "highway," that is, shave a path right down the middle of my head. They are extremely hopeful that this will happen. The deal is that if I do it, one of the students will also get a similarly bizarre haircut. We'll know by Friday.

The best moment ever came last week in the same class when one of my students asked me, "Teacher, are you an actress?" Haha, no, kid, but I love the fact that he asked that. I had just tried to explain a tragedy, so I invented two characters who were in love but of course, couldn't be together. (Sorry, it's cliche, but I was put on the spot here.) Sometimes the students just look at me like I'm a little crazy, but I get their attention and usually get the point across. It's great fun, so if they think I'm a little crazy, it's okay, as long as they're getting it.


  1. Hi Susan,

    My name is Aimee, I'm planning on teaching at Eun Pyeong SLP starting in August! I came across your blog while doing some research about the school and would really love to chat with/correspond about your experience there if you wouldn't mind. I'd really appreciate it if you have the time!

    -Aimee :)

  2. Hi, Susan. I also currently have an offer from Eunpyeong SLP for a January start. I'd like to know your thoughts about the school and the directors, head supervisors, etc. Thank you!


  3. Hey Rebecca!
    (I tried emailing this, I'm not sure you got it)I taught afternoons and I really enjoyed my time at SLP. Hanna teacher was our supervisor and she was really funny and nice. And you have all the other teachers as resources so if you have any questions you can ask them. You are paid on time. And... If you have any other questions please do not hesitate to ask!!

